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Anjali & Abraham Engagement in Kottayam kanjirapilly

Anjali and Abraham Engagement was one of the best and classic function covered by Drita this year. This was held in Kanjirapalli a small town near Kottayam. We never expected such a grand ambience until we reached there. Both the families were exceptionally fun minded , its really amazing to work with such people. Both the bride and groom chose a different style in their engagement attire . They both were stunning in her red elegant weave and his classic kerala style mundu juba . The cuteness and craziness between the couples were evident in all clicks.

Photography : Drita Photography
Make up : Elegance
Jewellery : MOD
Costume : Korvai
Stage : Parnashala
Venue : St. Dominic's Cathedral Kanjirappally

we promise the real day forever